The Vision

This is the vision of Nardi Family Chiropractic…

We at Nardi Family Chiropractic (NFC) lead principled lives. This means we are in touch with the one source of all creation. We listen to and act on the will of our innate self, our guidance system, our guardian angel.

We are people of all walks of life, religion, creed, color, shape, mentality and socioeconomic level. Some are popular community figures, politicians both local and state, famous individuals and others are of the common man; Joe American; worker bees; lovers of life and family. We are policeman, firemen, and corporate executives, athletes, religious leaders, thought leaders, husbands, wives, and children who are tomorrow’s future. All are equally important and see ourselves as such. There are no egos at NFC. The egos that have entered changed our ways and habits and became principled people.

All are healed and healthy individuals who constantly ask others “How do you keep yourself healthy?” When asked this question our reply is “The Chiropractic Principle” followed by a principled explanation of life and love, Chiropractic.

We know why we are checked and adjusted. We understand that is of primary importance. We bring our children to get cleared so they may express abundant life. We invite Dr. Nardi to adjust our newborn babies at birth so our child can begin their life on Earth with a clear nerve system. A clear nerve system is THE BEST way of securing a natural and abundant future for a child. It can only be attained from a Principled Chiropractic Adjustment.

Such progressive people do out of our own abundance. We recognize we are on the cutting edge of life. We therefore act in cutting edge ways. We don’t just talk, we act on the principle and out of the abundance shared with it. Some will follow us not know or understanding why. Some will follow against their will, but strangely attracted to our joy and passion. When they receive their first adjustment they will understand what it is we are sharing. It will be their first experience in the love for their fellow human-being.

That is our purpose, to make better human-beings who love and live life with abundance, happiness and great joy. To create a country that acts out of love and joy rather than fear and pain.

This is the vision.
Do you see the vision?
Are you in alignment with the vision?

It is a mission.
Are you on mission with us?

What do you need to do to help fulfill the vision?
Now go do it.

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