We’ve Moved

April 20, 2011

We’ve moved:


The Vision

January 17, 2011

This is the vision of Nardi Family Chiropractic…

We at Nardi Family Chiropractic (NFC) lead principled lives. This means we are in touch with the one source of all creation. We listen to and act on the will of our innate self, our guidance system, our guardian angel.

We are people of all walks of life, religion, creed, color, shape, mentality and socioeconomic level. Some are popular community figures, politicians both local and state, famous individuals and others are of the common man; Joe American; worker bees; lovers of life and family. We are policeman, firemen, and corporate executives, athletes, religious leaders, thought leaders, husbands, wives, and children who are tomorrow’s future. All are equally important and see ourselves as such. There are no egos at NFC. The egos that have entered changed our ways and habits and became principled people.

All are healed and healthy individuals who constantly ask others “How do you keep yourself healthy?” When asked this question our reply is “The Chiropractic Principle” followed by a principled explanation of life and love, Chiropractic.

We know why we are checked and adjusted. We understand that is of primary importance. We bring our children to get cleared so they may express abundant life. We invite Dr. Nardi to adjust our newborn babies at birth so our child can begin their life on Earth with a clear nerve system. A clear nerve system is THE BEST way of securing a natural and abundant future for a child. It can only be attained from a Principled Chiropractic Adjustment.

Such progressive people do out of our own abundance. We recognize we are on the cutting edge of life. We therefore act in cutting edge ways. We don’t just talk, we act on the principle and out of the abundance shared with it. Some will follow us not know or understanding why. Some will follow against their will, but strangely attracted to our joy and passion. When they receive their first adjustment they will understand what it is we are sharing. It will be their first experience in the love for their fellow human-being.

That is our purpose, to make better human-beings who love and live life with abundance, happiness and great joy. To create a country that acts out of love and joy rather than fear and pain.

This is the vision.
Do you see the vision?
Are you in alignment with the vision?

It is a mission.
Are you on mission with us?

What do you need to do to help fulfill the vision?
Now go do it.

The Race of Life

January 10, 2011

Professional car racing is serious. With cars traveling in excess of 200 MPH one slip up can be disastrous, cause multiple car pile-ups, injury or death. The turns are particularly dangerous because when a race car driver looks where they are all they see is the wall in front of them. This always results in them hitting the wall. Race car drivers are taught to turn their head and look past the turn, and then instinctively their hands take over and turn the car safely through the turn.

Life and health are often the same. All too often we get focused on the financial problem, impending divorce, cancer, heart disease, or pain. We hit the wall. Rather, we need be like the race car driver and look where we are going. We need to see the straight-away at the other side of the turn. Then naturally, our innate intelligence takes over and guides us to safety and well-being.

As we go through life, there will be multiple turns to navigate. Keeping our focus on where we are going allows innate to produce the results in life that champion car racers produce on the track. Be a champion in life and health, let innate guide you.

Life is Like a Bucket of Crabs

January 10, 2011

Stop at a fish market one day and find the person selling fresh crabs. You’ll notice that the crabs are all piled in a bucket without a lid. Watch long enough and you’ll see the crabs on top start climbing out. However, the captive crabs will actually reach up and pull the escapees back into the bucket.

Life can be like that bucket of crabs. The moment you start something to improve yourself, subluxated people around you show their jealousy and attempt to pull you back into their subluxated ways of life. They ask subluxated questions like “why are you doing that?” Or make subluxated statements like “that will never work.” Like the crabs, sometimes we succumb to them and fall back into the bucket.

Thankfully, those are the exact challenges God placed before us to solidify that we are on the right path. By getting adjusted we overcome subluxated objections and God sets us free. Once free, we have the ability to reach down into the bucket and pull our crabby friends to the same freedom.

“The need for approval, acceptance or any other thought-form that FEAR may take is replaced with positve, childlike enthusiasm. I do not depend on the “up and down” world for my peace.” Steve Schargel, D.C.

Question about ADD/ADHD

January 3, 2011

Dr. Nardi, How do chiropractic adjustments help someone with ADD/ADHD?

Regardless of your named medical condition, knowing you are one with your essence, God, is the lone factor required to improve your situation. People in our office have walked away from their adjustment stating they feel “awake.” That named medical condition you associate with is not who you are.

Our friends at Principle 33 state it thusly:

"Reveal Your Inner Masterpiece with Chiropractic…"

Michelangelo’s David was sculpted out of an “undesirable” block of marble rejected by all of his contemporaries. The artist said that when he looked at a blank slab of stone, it didn’t matter what it looked like on the outside. He only saw the perfect figure entrapped within it. He only needed to chip away what was not the image to reveal the true masterpiece. Chiropractors approach a patient’s care in much the same way.

Within each patient is a masterpiece waiting to emerge. Like Michelangelo, Chiropractors see only the potential health within everyone. Years of stress, trauma and fear act like granite that entombs your potential. Every adjustment delivered by a skillful Chiropractor is like a finely placed chisel and hammer strike that gently chips away excess stone to reveal the beauty inside you.

No matter how covered, disfigured or unfinished you may feel, remember that you are a fine piece of art in the making. Stay consistent with your Chiropractic care so the amazing, healthy person that lies within can be completely revealed. Until next time.

Just like Michelangelo’s contemporaries, the named medical condition is their rejection of you. You are God’s David entrapped by a label. We see you beyond medicine’s mask, and are here to help you get better.

Snow Storms

December 20, 2010

When driving in a snow storm it’s difficult to see where you are going. Turns sneak up on you and if you aren’t careful, you’ll hit road debris or the car in front of you. The most common mistake drivers make when driving in a snow storm is turning on their high beams. High beams make matters worse because the snow disperses the light and all the driver sees is a blinding blur of light. On the other hand, low beams improve visual acuity during snow; allowing drivers safe passage home or wherever their final destination is.

Amid the storm of health care it’s easy to lose sight of what health is. Folks often get blinded by symptom relief without allowing their body the time and processes required to heal and remain healthy. God has given your body an Innate Intelligence. Innate is the healer within, it’s that spark of God that resides in every one of us and is constantly connected to Him. Regardless of the situation or condition, Innate knows the exact processes required for you to heal and remain healthy.

Chiropractic improves your visual acuity amid the storm of health care. It releases your innate intelligence and is the safe and time tested approach assuring you safe passage to health.

A Question About Fees

December 6, 2010

Doctor Nardi, my previous Chiropractor was charging $400 per visit, why are your fees so low?

We stay focused on our office’s purpose.

It is our purpose to adjust your spine and let you do the healing. YOU are the doctor. They do something to you as if they know something God doesn’t already know about you. We remain humble to your spirit which knows far more about you than they ever could.

But you already knew that, it’s why you’re a regular member. Then why am I telling you again? To remind you that getting adjusted helps you love (your spouse and kids) better. It helps you play “basketball” and “tennis” at your fullest potential. It assures that your “dash” is wide and thick.

Please keep your questions coming.

With Love,

Dr. Nardi

PS. We will be closing at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, December 8th as I have the final dress rehearsal for “The Gift.” Show times (this weekend) and tickets can be found at http://www.valleycommunity.cc.

A Question about Adjusting

November 29, 2010

A new patient recently asked, Dr. Nardi, how is it that your adjustments (visits) are so fast?

This is a great question, especially for those who have been to ther Chiropractors and are now coming into our office. I think there are five keys to this answer.

1. Electronic notes. In the picture to the left the green highlighted area tells me how to adjust you when necessary. We simply need to check your spine and if subluxated, we adjust you. When clear (not subluxated) we leave it alone. It’s that simple.

The example to the left is of an atlas. Atlas protects your brain stem which houses the control centers for all vital functions of your body, including life itself. What might happen to you if your brain stem function is interfered with?

2. Patient preparation: Folks immediately lay face down in preparation of their adjustment. As Chiropractors our purpose is to remove the interference in your nerve system (subluxation) and let you heal yourself.

3. Walk-in adjusting: you never need an appointment at NFC. You may walk in during any of our adjusting hours.

4. Automated systems: Your time is valuable to you and we understand that. Your kids have sports practice, dinner needs to be made and meetings attended. Our automated systems allow us to be prepared for you whenever you come in.

5. Principled care: The adjustment re-boots your internal health maintenance and healing systems. Because the body heals itself, any adjunct services negate the power of that adjustment. So when your adjustment is complete, you’re done.

We are here to love you. Personally I believe part of that love has to do with respecting your time and life just as you do ours. We’ll always be here for you and our door is always open. We love and appreciate you.

The Beauty of Chiropractic at the Holidays

November 22, 2010

Did you ever notice how the holidays seem to stress us out more so than other times of the year?

There are meals and gifts to buy and long lines at the stores. We rush around for the last minute items that we forgot during our normal shopping. Then for the items we missed, very few stores are actually open. A couple years ago we realized our Turkey baster broke. Well as time would have it we forgot to pick up another one and there I was on Thanksgiving morning running around the valley looking for an open store. I finally found one at Stop and Shop. Though NFC isn’t going to be open this weekend for official hours, feel free to call my cell phone at 860-966-7142 if you need me and we’ll figure it out that you can get an adjustment.

The other thing I notice about holiday stress is that some end up sick. In past years we’ve received calls that folks don’t want to come in because they have a cold, sniffle or cough and they don’t want to get us sick or pass it around. First of all, that is exactly the reason why you need to come in, your system is weak and you are sick! Getting adjusted will strengthen your immune system so you recover faster. Second, don’t worry about me and my family, we don’t get sick. Plenty of people come in when sick and we don’t catch anything.

Did you ever notice how one person in your family “catches” a cold, but not everyone does every time? That sometimes the sickness doesn’t get passed around?

That’s what lead D.D. Palmer to discover Chiropractic back in the 1890’s, he asked that very question, “why is it that not everyone gets sick? The answer was so simple. It’s what you have on the inside that matters. That’s where Chiropractic comes in. Chiropractic keeps your insides strong so you can better prevent these “sicknesses.” And, by keeping your nerve system clear you better respond to the stresses of life.

These holiday stresses aren’t going away, but how you approach and handle them makes all the difference in the world. If you are stressing over them, will your blood pressure go up or down? Right, it will go UP. Will you sleep better or worse? Right again, you’ll sleep worse. When you don’t sleep will you heal well, or poorly? Right again, you’ll heal poorly. But when you receive regular adjustments you keep your nerve system clear. When your nerve system is clear will you stay calm? If you are calm, will your blood pressure go up or down? Will you sleep better or worse? Will you heal well or poorly? Is getting adjusted healthier than living with the stress and freaking out all it?

So the moral is to maintain your schedule during the holidays. It doesn’t matter how, even if you think coming in may be adding to your stress, it isn’t; it’s helping you and you’ll know that after your adjustment. Wednesday I’ll be sending out a special edition of “A Simple Truth,” be sure to look for it.

Thank you.

We love you!

The Fisherman

November 15, 2010

I often hear a story about a man who walked along a pier and saw a fisherman. The fisherman kept reeling in fish and throwing them back into the ocean. So the man walked up to him and asked why he kept throwing the fish back. The fisherman looked at him and replied “because they’re too big for my pan.”

This story is often told by folks who speak of abundance and prosperity that more is always better. Their conclusion, given the response of the fisherman, is that he needs a larger pan. I agree to a certain extent; but I see an additional moral hidden in this story.

The fisherman is obviously gifted at catching large fish. In my opinion, if God wants to give me large fish time and time again, I would graciously accept His gift. This man’s cup is overflowing. He has an abundance of fish and I think throwing them back comes from a place of lack as he could easily save some fish for later or feed others with all of the fish he is catching. As my wife always says to our kids, “sharing is caring.”

Also we read a reminder that saving some for later is a great strategy for longevity. Imagine if we were to catch a thousand pound Tuna fish. There isn’t a person on the planet that could eat it all, let alone a pan that could hold it in one sitting. But let’s face it, a thousand pound Tuna is a LARGE fish that can both be shared and saved. The lessons here are being thankful and giving.

We’re all prosperous and wealthy at something. It’s just as good to enjoy our wealth and abundance as it is to save and give some away. How do we know how much to share, give or keep? We listen to God’s voice within us. That wee small voice that creeps up when we are at peace and quiet will tell us exactly what we are to do.

We’re here to share the wealth and knowledge of Chiropractic, health and well-being. Please also share with others. As BJ Palmer said, “You never know how far reaching something you say, do, or think today will change the lives of millions tomorrow.” When you do, you’ll find God’s love and abundance flowing back into your life, “30, 60, or 100 fold.”